Mint is an essential part of your daily beauty routine. Mint leaves can be found in most households so it’s easy to obtain. Mint is often used for medicinal purposes, but its cooling properties can also make it a good tool for skincare.
Mint is a powerful and refreshing herb that is known for its ability to provide many health benefits. It can also be used as a natural remedy for acne and blemishes.
One in five American adults will experience blemishes, pimples, or acne. And sadly, the average person will spend more than $1,000 on beauty products and treatments over their lifetime.
Make your own organic skincare routine with these easy home remedies for fighting and preventing breakouts.
What is mint?
Mint is a refreshing herb that can be used to cleanse the skin and help fight the appearance of blemishes. It has been used for thousands of years to cleanse the skin and combat bacteria, which is why it is still widely used today.
It also has a cooling effect on the skin, making it feel refreshed and cool after use. Mint leaves or peppermint oil can be applied topically, making it one of the most versatile skincare ingredients you can use in your homemade skincare routine.
History of Mint
Mint is a plant that has been used for over 3,000 years. It was originally grown in Egypt and India. Mint was used as a sweetener in ancient times and was also used to flavor beer.
The Greeks and Romans considered mint to be a sacred herb and attributed many health benefits to it. Mint was also believed to have magical powers that could ward off evil spirits and witches.
The Egyptians used mint in medicines and mummified the dead with mint leaves in their mouth because they believed that the herb had the ability to bring life back from death.
The first use of mint as a medicine was during ancient times in China when it was mixed with other medicinal herbs and pressed into cakes that were consumed by pregnant women to promote healthy fetuses. The Romans were also using mint medicinally.
They mixed it with other herbs and mixed it into wine that they drank to cure stomach ailments, headaches, diarrhea and even toothaches!
How it works on Skin
Mint contains menthol, which is an ingredient that causes skin cells to produce collagen, which is a protein that holds skin cells together as well as giving structure and strength to skin tissue. Collagen helps prevent wrinkles, dark spots, acne scars, age spots and other signs of aging on the skin’s surface.
Menthol also works by making pores appear smaller so dirt will not get trapped in the pores and cause blemishes. Mint also moisturizes the skin and helps to cleanse the pores by removing dirt and oil.
If you want to make a mint face pack that will help promote skin-tightening and wrinkle-reducing, you may add some clay powder to the mixture. Clay powder is known for its ability to draw out toxins from the skin and improve blood circulation.
So, if your skin is feeling dry and scaly, apply this face pack and let it sit on your face for about half an hour. After half an hour has passed, wash your face with warm water and pat dry.
You can also use clay powder as a mask instead of just making a paste out of it. To make this mask, mix about two tablespoons of clay powder with some plain yogurt or honey until you get a smooth paste without any lumps or pieces of leaf left in it.
Apply this paste to your face, leave on for 30 minutes and then wash off with warm water.
One of the best ways to tone your skin is by using mint! Just add a few drops of mint extract to your skincare routine and leave it on overnight to tighten pores. This is also a good way to get rid of acne scars, which are often caused by excess oil buildup in the pores. The added bonus? You’ll smell like mint candy!
To Fight blemishes:
Mint is one of the most effective natural remedies for fighting acne because it kills the bacteria that causes the acne breakouts. Just make sure you don’t have too much mint in your mixture because it can dry out your skin too quickly!
So, make sure you use less than 3 teaspoons per 1 cup of water and only let it sit on your face until it dries up.
You can also use a mixture of fresh mint leaves, peppermint oil and rosemary oil as a treatment for blemishes. Simply apply some of this mixture to your skin and leave it there for about an hour or so before rinsing off with cool water.
For Acne:
You can use raw lemon juice with Mint leaves to make a thick paste to use it as an acne treatment because it kills the bacteria that cause acne breakouts.
However, if you are using this treatment on a regular basis and it dries out your skin too much, then dilute it with water or apply some extra raw lemon juice to your skin before rinsing off with cool water.
For teeth whitening:
You can use mint leaves to whiten your teeth by wrapping them in a piece of gauze and placing it in the sun for a few hours. You can also place some mint leaves on your toothbrush after brushing and leave them there overnight. This will help remove stains on your teeth.
For hair growth:
You can use several mint plants to help increase the amount of hair you have on your head. The best plant is probably peppermint, as it is the most effective at increasing hair growth.
You can boil mint leaves in water and place the liquid on your scalp to increase hair growth.
For hair growth:
You can use mint leaves to help grow hair on your head or even grow a full beard. You can rub a few mint leaves on your scalp and leave them there overnight. You can also use mint oil as an ingredient in a lotion or cream that you apply to your scalp.
Mint oil is also known for its ability to stimulate hair growth, so this may be the reason why it works so well for this purpose.
For diabetes:
Mint is great for treating diabetes because it helps the body become more sensitive to insulin, which will help you lower your blood sugar levels. If you have diabetes, then you should make sure that you add some fresh mint leaves into your diet every day.
For Cooling:
Mint is also known as the cooling herb. This herb is known to be good for the skin because it helps cool down the skin when applied topically. Mint has been used for centuries by people all over the world for its cooling properties and many people swear by it due to its natural ability to cool down inflammation in the body as well as its ability to reduce pain and swelling.
Finally, mint is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness and irritation caused by acne breakouts.
As an Anti-bacterial agent:
Mint has been used as a natural medicine for centuries because it has antibacterial properties. It is well known that bacteria can cause acne because they can thrive on dead skin cells.
So, this herb can help fight acne by killing the bacteria that causes it. The antibacterial properties of mint make it very good for treating acne breakouts because it helps prevent infections from occurring.
Mint is an herb that is well-known for its antibacterial properties. It is used as a natural medicine to fight acne because it kills the bacteria that causes breakouts and prevents infections from occurring.
This herb also has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce redness and irritation caused by acne breakouts.