Besan powder is a common ingredient in many different Indian dishes. This dry flour can be used to make besan laddoo, a popular Indian sweet that is made from flour and sugar, or as a paste for homemade chapatis and parathas. This versatile ingredient has also been used as a face mask in India for centuries to help with acne and sunburns.

Besan is a Hindi word that means “gram flour” or chickpea flour. It has long been used in India and the Middle East to make breads, cakes, pastries, cookies, fillings for sweet pastries, and pancakes. And now it’s making waves on both coasts of America.

Besan powder is a mixture of ground chickpeas (chana) and wheat flour. It has been used historically as a food source for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. The protein content in besan allows it to bind up excess liquid in the body, which gives the skin a natural boost in hydration.

In addition to its benefits for those who have celiac disease or gluten intolerance, it is also considered to be an effective anti-aging ingredient due to its high antioxidant count and ability to fight free radical damage.

Skin care is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. It’s important to take care of our skin not only to prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging, but also because it’s a great way to stay healthy.

One such ingredient that can help us achieve healthy skin is Besan powder. It’s also called gram flour and garbanzo bean flour. The powder comes in different colors and flavors like vanilla, almond, cinnamon, or even brown sugar. It’s an all-natural ingredient that nourishes your skin without any of the bad chemicals found in other products.

Read on to learn more about this amazing ingredient!

What is Besan powder?

Besan powder is a staple in South Asian cuisine and it’s made from ground chickpeas. It can be used as a thickener, binding agent, emulsifier, and more.

The good thing about Besan is that it’s gluten-free and vegan!

Besan powder is also called garbanzo bean flour or gram flour. The powder comes in different colors and flavors like vanilla, almond, cinnamon, or even brown sugar. It’s an all-natural ingredient that nourishes your skin without any of the bad chemicals found in other products.

History of Besan powder

Besan powder is a very old Indian recipe. It has been used for several centuries and it is not only an ingredient but also a great tool to achieve beautiful skin. This powder is made of roasted gram flour and salt.
Some recipes also use ghee or oil. The flour is milled to make the fine powder that can be used in different dishes like dosa, idli, chapati, and so on. Besan powder is used in cooking because it adds thickness to the food without adding calories or fat.

However, this product has many benefits that are not just limited to cooking.

The ingredient is also used as a natural exfoliator, cleanser, mask, hair conditioner and even as a body scrub.
Besan powder is an excellent source of protein which means that it contains all nine essential amino acids that are needed by our body for proper growth and development. This product also contains vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K as well as minerals such as copper, zinc, iron and calcium.

Besan Powder for Skin

How can it help your skin?

Besan is an all-natural ingredient that nourishes your skin. It’s a great way to keep your skin healthy by removing dead cells and toxins, while adding moisture back into the skin. Besan also helps to soothe sensitive, dry skin, and it’s one of the best ingredients for acne treatment.
Another benefit of using besan is how it helps protect against environmental aggressors and sun damage.
Besan can be incorporated into lotions, masks, scrubs, bath salts, or even toothpaste!

How to use it in beauty products

Besan powder can be used to make body scrubs, soaps, and lotions that are perfect for people with dry or sensitive skin. It also has the ability to absorb moisture into your skin, which is why it’s a great choice for all-over face masks.
It’s important to use natural ingredients like Besan powder when you’re trying improve your health and appearance. With all these benefits and uses, there’s no wonder why this ingredient is one of the most popular ones on the market.

The benefits of using besan in a beauty routine

One of the most important things about besan powder is that it has natural antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that help to prevent free radical damage in your body, which can contribute to aging and other skin conditions like acne, dryness, and premature wrinkles.

It also helps to reduce the look of dark spots and sun spots on our skin. Besan powder is a great ingredient because it’s so versatile. You can use it as a face mask or scrub, as a lip balm or facial moisturizer, or even as a hair treatment.

It’s great for all skin types including sensitive ones like rosacea. It also helps with healing wounds and burns quickly compared to other products on the market providing fast anti-inflammatory relief for those with severe cases of eczema or psoriasis.

The ingredient also has several beauty benefits for your skin. It makes your skin soft and smooth because of its high content of proteins, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, and antioxidants.

Besan powder can help to increase the production of collagen in the body which is responsible for repairing damaged tissues, removing dead cells from the surface of the skin and preventing premature aging signs like wrinkles and fine lines.

Besan powder is also a good source of dietary fiber. It can help to lower cholesterol levels in the body and it can help to prevent diabetes by reducing the sugar levels in the blood. It also helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases because it is a rich source of magnesium (which prevents high blood pressure) and potassium (which helps to regulate heartbeat).

Most importantly Besan powder contains a large number of antioxidants. These are substances that protect our body from free-radicals which cause damage to cells and tissues. They also neutralize harmful substances called carcinogens which cause cancerous growths in our body.

Besan powder also contains a large amount of minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, copper and magnesium which are essential for proper functioning of various organs in our body.

It can help to remove dead skin cells, dirt and oil from your face and body.
It can reduce the appearance of scars by reducing inflammation.
It can prevent stretch marks from appearing on your skin (if you are pregnant) because it is rich in calcium which helps to keep the skin’s elasticity.

Besan powder can also be used for treating acne because it contains zinc which has anti-inflammatory properties and sulfur which helps to get rid of pimples. Sulfur is also a natural bleaching agent so if you use Besan powder on your face, you will get a nice white glow on your skin.

Besan is an excellent ingredient because it makes for a great beauty routine! When used properly, it can help improve the condition of your skin from head to toe without any harmful chemicals getting into your system!

Face Pack with Besan Powder

Other ways to use Besan powder

Besan powder can be used in cooking, specifically as a substitute for gluten or wheat flour. It’s also a great option for people who have celiac disease and are trying to avoid gluten. It’s important to note that you need to experiment with various quantities when substituting for flour because you don’t want to overpower your recipe.

Besan powder is also useful in skin care products. It can be mixed into creams, lotions, and oils. The powder is often made up of vegetable oil, coconut oil, and/or shea butter to create a moisturizing cream for the skin. And if you want your cream to feel even more luxurious, you can add some essential oils like lavender or rosemary!

Side effects of Besan powder

Besan powder is generally considered to be safe in small amounts. However, it can irritate the skin and cause skin problems if used too often. It can also cause digestive problems if used in excess.
Besan powder is generally hypoallergenic and has a neutral flavor, so you can add it to your favorite dishes without any issues. It’s also gluten-free, vegan, and Kosher-certified.


Besan powder is a skin care ingredient that can help your skin in many ways. You can use it in beauty products or even tuck it away as a skincare ingredient. With the benefits of using besan in your beauty routine, it’s clear that finding this ingredient is a must for every beauty product you make.

Besan powder can be applied to the face as a mask or mixed with water for an effective scrub or body lotion. It can also be mixed with coconut oil and applied on your skin as a moisturizer or you can mix it with white sugar and apply it on your body as a scrub.

Besan powder also has a large number of health benefits. It is used as an ingredient in many Ayurvedic recipes and it is used in the treatment of diabetes, cancer, hypertension, and arthritis. It also helps to stimulate the immune system and it can be used to treat various skin problems like acne and rashes!